how many years does it take to become a pediatric emergancy physician? Is the salary greater than that of a regular emergency physician? Thank you all in advance....
After completing a general pediatric residency of three years Well after a 4 yr undergrad degree then a 4 yr med school degree then a 3 yr general pediatric residency , you must specialise in Ped Emergency Med for another 2-3 yrs. Anything to do w/Pediatrics doesn't make much---Pediatricians are considered bottom of the barrel in ref to pay
Peds ED physicians are only found in big university type hospitals so not many jobs around. Kids do not visit the ED as much as adults do hence most hospitals make do w/ regular adult ER physicians since they do get some ( and I mean a small "some") pediatric experience and can see all pts visiting the ED in contrast to a soley ped ed physician.. Hope this helped .
you have to go through a pediatrics residency first which can take 1-3 years, then your emergency residency which is only a series of certifications which can take months.
One year of fellowship after either a pediatrics or an emergency medicine residency. Money's not really any different, but incomes vary pretty wildly from one place to another. There's a large E.D. in my state that's promising the moon right now, with few takers, trying to recruit emergency physicians. It doesn't take much to read between the lines there.
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