
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ok i will rephrase i have a hep b immunity test soon (its for nursing) will they check for THC??


Nobody can perform a covert drug test, they have to inform you what they are testing for.
I highly doubt it. Otherwise they'd be doing a Drug test, not a Hep B.
If it is a Hep B test, then they wil not be testing for THC
What is THC??
Doesn't anybody else have a problem with a NURSING student getting high? Hello?!

You may get away with it now, but it WILL be found out.

I fear for your future patients.
If you are due for a hep b immunity test ,then that 's the only thing that will be performed in tsting theblod sample from you. Hepatitis screening and profile serological test will be done. The blood for hepatitis test usually goes to serology or virology unit of laboratory while blood to test for THC would normally go to toxicology unit for drug testing.
I advise you however that you should reflect back on yourself and if you intend to be on the field of nursing better to refrain from having THC by any means. You may be suspected of having THC someday and will be expelled out from nursing once proven.

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